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You Can’t See the Forest for the Muda – lean law and TimWoods

July 29, 2015

How many of the 8 types of waste, or muda, are recognisable in your legal practice ? Quite a few I expect.

If you haven’t done anything with lean thinking, but want to start, you can do so right now. As you work through the day, ask yourself whether what you are doing fits into TIM WOODS. If it does, then ask yourself if there is way to avoid doing the wasteful step and if you can, eliminate that step. One easy way to separate waste from value is to pose the following question: If I sat down with my client and asked how much she was willing to pay me to do X, would she be willing to pay me anything? If the answer is “yes,” than the step may have value. If the answer is “no,” then the step is waste and you should eliminate it.

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